Tube Amplifier Rec. for Proac 1.5 or D 15?

I am asking recomendations for a good tube amplifier from the experienced that have listened to a pair of Proac 1.5's or D-15's using various tube amplifiers?
I like the sound of a good EL34 or EL84 based amplifier, but I think the Proac's will need a minimum of 40 watts to get the best from them. The experienced users may know better about the power needed to run the Proac's than I do.
The buget for the amp purchase will be under $2000, used would be the bang for the buck.
Any suggestions will very much appreciated.
Norris Wilson
Tom, I just emailed you but will tell the rest of the thread too--the CA-50 comes with a remote.
I've heard the best performance of Proac 1.5 and 2.5s with Mac MC240. EL84 is definitely under powered. Unless you own a pair of the original Marantz 9, EL34 didn't sound as good as the 6L6GCs.