Floorstanders for small rooms? Budget $1200 used

Hi again,

Well, I am still looking at some speaker suggestions, this time for some floor-standing models that work well in smaller rooms. I listen mostly to classic jazz, but also electronic, vocals, classical, and some rock. I need a pretty versatile speaker. My associated equipment is C-J PV10A preamp, MF-2200 amp, Von Schweikert VR-2000 speaker, Arcam CD73T CDP.

My system is pretty warm and lush at this point, so I probably want something maybe a bit more detailed (changing preamp may help too). My current speakers seem pretty musical and not too detailed. They are bit 4-way speakers with a 10" driver and response down to 26hz, and probably a bit too much for the place I am moving to soon (although I won't purchase a new pair until after the move (and I know the speakers won't work). The speakers will be used in a room 11x14ish, with the listening end up against the far wall.

So far I have been thinking about the Soliloquy 5.3's (already posted on this), but am looking for other suggestions as well. I have a budget of no more than $1200 to spend on a speaker (probably used/demo) at this time.

Thanks for any suggestions!
For a small room, I would suggest go with bookshelf monitor speakers. The near field speakers are usually more focus and detailed in a small room. Instead of jumping on swap any equipments, I would suggest you take your time to do some audition.
I agree with s23chang. You won't get good bass in a small room anyway from floorstanders. I'd go with bookshelf. Unless it is a temporary situation. I bought floorstanders for my small room becuase I knew I'd be moving in a year or so.

I'd check out the VS vr2 s

Meadowlark Swifts would work well in that room, and they can usually be had in the $700-$800 range used.
Soliloquy 5.3's will fall right in with your budget. They sound great. Built like a piece of high-end furniture. I was using mine in a 10X12 room and did not have a problem with bass loading (though bass is quite authorative). I don't have experience with the newer 'i' version with updated drivers. The previous version required a loooong break-in before it came into its own. Outstanding value for the money.

Marco - How do the 5.3's compare to your Klipsch Heresy's. I'm also considering a set of floorstanders in this price range. My present equipment is: Ah! Njoe Tjoeb CD player w/upsampler, Eastern Electric Minimax Preamp, Quicksilver MiniMite amps, and modded Heresy 1's.

I auditioned a two-way by DeVore Fidelity and was VERY impressed - although a bit more cash. $2850 new. I've seen them on the Gon for ~$1700.
