speakers with Ebony finish

I am looking for a high quality speaker that offers a real ebony veneer as an option. Not "ebony in color" but actually ebony wood.

So far I have only come across the ProAc line. Any other suggestions out there? I do not want to break the bank but would consider a moderately priced unit (2500-4000).

Check out Meadowlark Audio. I have five Petrel's in real Ebony veneer that look awesome. I want to keep two of them. I might consider selling the other three. Let me know if you are interested.
You could look at Tyler Acoustics... The Linbrook Signature Monitor (or their Taylo 7U if you prefer a floorstander) list for $3250 in their standard finishes, but offer something like 64 optional finishes (including several real Ebony finishes like Macassar) for probably another $300 or so. I think both models are on sale for $2850/pr. this month in their standard finishes... The website is tyleracoustics.com

I have no affiliation with Tyler, except that I own the Linbrooks (and Taylos). I highly recommend the speakers for their sound (and looks).

Salksound.com and tyleracoustics.com both offer high quality speakers available in custom finishes such as ebony.

Good luck,
Ummmm, Albert, don't you think that almost $6k for the speaker cabinets alone would tend to bust his budget wide open? The guy is looking for fully-functional speakers for $2500-$4000, your suggestion would probably run $10,000 or more ready to play...

My suggestion? Check with some of the better-known mfgrs. (Taylor, Green Mountain, Meadowlark, etc.) and see what they can do for you.
I mistakenly wrote Taylor in my previous post, meant to write Tyler (I guess I crossed Tyler with Taylo and came up with Taylor - duh.) Looks like DrSeid had the same idea. Great minds think alike, huh? [smile]
