Your favorite recent discovery

What Group or Artist have you discovered in the last few months? Doesn't have to be a new artist, just new to you.
Looking for some ideas.
Lhasa- a Canadian-Mexican singer her new album is called

The Living Road she sing in English, Spanish and French
Pollywog - Lhasa is WONDERFUL!! Get her first album as well. You will NOT be disappointed!!

Pollywog - I too discovered Lhasa a few weeks ago at BBC (my favorite music website) world music reviews -- the sexiest female voice to come out since Chavella Vergas. A very good find...
If you enjoy Lhasa, definitely also give the Portugese band, Madredeus, a try. A good place to start with them is the album Ainda, which is the soundtrack from the Wim Wenders film, "A Lisbon Story".