Your favorite recent discovery

What Group or Artist have you discovered in the last few months? Doesn't have to be a new artist, just new to you.
Looking for some ideas.
If you enjoy Lhasa, definitely also give the Portugese band, Madredeus, a try. A good place to start with them is the album Ainda, which is the soundtrack from the Wim Wenders film, "A Lisbon Story".
Albert-if you like Pink Moon (personally my fav. Drake album but the bleakest)you need to check out the first two.
Ben, I will look but Nick Drake's LP's are not easy to find and I'm an analog guy as you know.

Great news though! I purchased a copy of "Wrecking Ball" in Italy for $18.00.

This is the '95 Emmylou Harris / Daniel Lanois LP that I have searched for eternity. The last one of these sold at EBAY two weeks ago for $112.00. At that price (even if I could afford it), would kill all the enjoyment of owning and playing it.