Build a TT based set up for $5K

Hi everyone,

I've begun a fun and exhausting search for the "perfect" components to make my Hi Fi system. I've decided to go the turntable /2 channel stereo route.

* I would like to keep the total budget around $5K.
* The TT should be new/near mint.
* I have no problems getting "gently used" amp set up or speakers.
* I generally listen to classic rock, reggae, some classical.

TT candidates:
* VPI Traveller
* Rega P5 or 6?
* any other suggestions?

Amp: Should I go for an integrated amp and get a separate phono stage or are there any good all inclusive amps?

I was looking at some used speakers and came across Atlantic Technology AT1 speakers for around $1800. Any thoughts? Other recommendations are welcome!

I'm a newbie making my first foray into this really complicated and intimidating world (My head is still spinning after reading all the jargon filled reviews). I'm mostly looking to find component combos that have been proven and give me the best value. I would greatly appreciate any help I can get.

Thanks in advance,
The Traveler/ Ortofon 2m Black is a very musical combintion. I have been having a great time with this pair for the past 2 months. As far as the rest of your system, take a look at this

You would benefit from the synergy of the system. The stuff is built like a tank and it's hard to believe the prices. The sound has to be heard to believe. One of the well respected and always well reviewed companies.

A Traveler-Ortofon front end with an Odyssey system will lead to some long happy nights.
Thanks Sbrown and Zen for your responses.

I was reading the reviews on the Odessey products and it seems like they are really solid and an excellent value for money.

Choices... Choices!
Sota Star with vacuum platter, Sumiko ft3 arm and Ortofon 2c Black cartridge.
PS audio GCPH. Has remote volume so can drive amp directly.
Odyssey Stereo Amp
PSB Stratus Gold i or Synchrony two speakers.

All purchased used.
You will also need to realize that there are a number of different approaches to building a system. In general (and while some low priced speakers like Tekton have their followers), I would recommend spending big on your speakers. They will make the biggest difference. To be satisfied with what you are getting, try to audition as many speakers as possible and to think about what aspects of music are most important to you. Some people like very forward speakers (Zu and Tektons would be examples) others find forward speakers fatiguing to listen to and prefer more laid back speakers (think how in your face the sound is). This will be both personal preference and related to music genre preferences.

At $5k I might spend as much as $3500 on speakers.
My Tekton 6.5t monitors are not forward sounding and remind me of larger (and with more bass) linn tukans with a better tweeter. Speakers that sound forward to me usually have metal, kevlar or a carbon fiber drivers. Speaking of linn, I've always respected their source first stance.