Dahlquist DQ10: what is best way to power?

I have had a pair of DQ10 (restored in every way) for decades and use an Apt Holman amp and pre-amp for power but these are getting cranky and take time to fire up if at all. What would be good match for the DQ10s? The Apts seem under-powered. Is it worth having them repaired?
These were my first speakers and I ran a McIntosh 2205 stereo amp (200 plus watts a side). I could have used more power. Get the biggest high current amp you can afford.
Back in the early 1980s I heard a Bedini 25/25 pure class A amp driving Dahlquist DQ-10's and Quad ESL-63's. This was an A/B listening session for both pairs of speakers; the Bedini was competing against Levinson mono blocks. The Bedini acquitted itself quite nicely with both the DQ-10's and the ESL-63's. I certainly agree with Schubert - "One hell of an amp."
I've owned DQ10's since '76. Paired it with a Phase Linear 400 and never had a complaint. Searching thru stereo files online I read these speakers were designed matched with G.A.S. Ampzilla II in those days and it's supposed to have nice synergy. I picked up one used for about $550 recently and when I listened to this combo the bass presentation improved. Strongly recommend a 200+ watt amp. Happy hunting!
I have pair of DQ 10s I rebuilt last winter. Listening to them right now through a pair of Thor TPA 60w EL34 tube amps, More than enough power and sound great.