When to power off a tube amp?

So I just got new tubes for my Lyr and really don't want to damage these tubes and want them to last for as long as possible. So I had a few questions and was hoping you guys could help me, thanks.

1) Should I turn off the amp if I am going to away for like an hour or so? Would that decrease the life of my tubes more than leaving it on that whole time I am not using them?

2) Should I let my tubes warm up before using them? If so, how long should I wait?

3) Is unplugging my headphones before turning off my amp necessary?

And just a random question out of curiosity, what if you use two different tubes in a tube amp? lol.

Thank you guys, any help would be much appreciated.
I unplug my 300B SET monoblocks when I'm not using them because they consume lots of electricity, and leave other equipment on 24/7.
Any tube amplifier should never be left unattended. (""More than an hour"") The tube amp could burn down your house in fifteen minutes.. I would say ten minute unattended is max if you do not like taking chances with catastrophe.
Now tube amps blowingup and starting on fire in not common. but still possible and not a good risk to leave unattended.
1-Turn off when unattended
2-Warm up is usually about 15 minutes
3-unplugging headphones is not necessary
4- Stop worrying and enjoy!