Just a bit to bright

I've been listening to my entry level system for almost a year now and while overall I am happy with the sound quality, it sounds just a bit too bright at times. My components are an NAD 326BEE integrated amp, Onkyo C7030 CD player, Sonos Connect for streaming Spotify, and Speaker Design Works MiniStatements speakers.(DIY)

I have not noticed any significant difference between CDs or streaming music sources so I feel like if I wanted to find a sound that is not as bright, I need to consider changes at the integrated amplifier. Since I built my speakers and feel proud of them and their sound, at this point I'd like to try and find the sound I'm looking for with these speakers. I do understand, it is possible that someday.... they may become a component that needs to be changed.

So my thoughts are, try a different integrated amp, try a different amp and use the NAD as a preamp, find a preamp and use the NAD for an amp, or try a class d audio amp... claiming to have a warm tube like sound.

My question is do I just need to jump in and try one of the above?

Which component (not the speakers) would likely have the biggest impact on a system that is a bit too bright?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

You built the bloody things, why can't you just knock down that Fountek ribbon with a resistor? Or even turn down the treble control on the NAD. Sometimes the obvious solutions are the best.
Atmashpere, Onhwy61, Lowrider67 & Viridian.... Thank you for the comments and suggestions. Points well taken, I have quite a few things to experiment with before jumping into switching amps and preamps. Even though I did build my speakers I wouldn't have a clue about crossover mods. I just built what was specified. So, I'll try some of the simple more "obvious" suggestions and go from there. Thanks again!

I am still curious on one point... When considering amps and preamps, does one have more impact than the other on the sound we hear? Or are they equally responsible for the end result?

You have some good suggestions here - I would add that if you don't want to consider tubes, try a Naim integrated. My brother went from an NAD to a Naim in his system, and loved it. And there is also that famous thread on another site where a whole bunch of tube guys were asked the question - if a gun was held to your head and you had to buy a solid state amp, which would you choose? The answer was overwhelmingly Naim. It sounds great in my brother's system, which is in some respects quite similar to yours.
I have 2 NAD integrated, the C326BEE and the C372. The older 372(7 years or so) is warmer sounding than the 326, yet I wouldn't call the 326 bright. I have Paradigm S6 speakers with forward sounding tweeters that make some amps sound brighter.

I had this struggle that you are having as well. Your speakers with the ribbon tweeter are going to be brighter sounding, and with your preferences you are going to need to compensate for this. Something that helped me is better cables. What kind of speaker cables do you have? If it's just basic stranded copper 10 or 12 gauge, I'd suggest Audioquest Type 4, you can buy it in bulk per foot. It really brought more focus and clarity to the sound, something I was really surprised about.

Rather than trade up components as I did several times, your issue might be easier to fix. The NAD isn't bright, neither is the Onkyo. Just a thought.