Tube amp power watts equivalent to Solid State?

I have a Cayin 35 watts tube amp. What is its equivalent to a solid state amp?
I answer to jmcgrogan2's question and to follow up on Drussheaxe's response:
Current US law dictates that:
mercantile products (cotton) are weighed in Avoirdupois ounces
physical bullion (gold) are weighed in Troy ounces.
Avoirdupois ounce = 28.349 grams
Troy ounce = 31.10 grams
Avoirdupois pound = 16 Avoirdupois ounces
Troy pound = 12 Troy ounces
Avoirdupois pound = 453.504 Avoirdupois grams
Troy pound = 373.2 grams
10 pounds of cotton = 4.53584 Kilograms
10 pounds of gold = 3.732 Kilograms
I've owned many tube amps during my 45 years as a musician, sound technician, stunningly handsome bon vivant, and amazingly interesting gasbag. There is not only an appealing tone with tube guitar amps, but a tactile quality that experienced guitar players understand and is sometimes described as "snappiness" or "finger response" or other things I can't remember (I'm SUE ME)...I have also owned a highly regarded (for its time) SS amp, and used it for a while until realizing it sucked. I just bought a cute little Class D Ampeg bass amp that sounds fine, so exceptions are made..."Modeling Amps" also are somewhat popular here and there, but I don't like them. None of this may matter, but I like to take any opportunity to talk about myself hoping that people will like me.
^Don't know enough about you to decide whether or not I like you, but I do like your sense of humor!
I don't typically care if I'm liked. Good thing, or otherwise I'd be terribly disappointed.
Drusstheaxe, please accept my apology for previously misspelling your username.
Well, my 200wpc SET amp sounds like it could easily blow down the walls of my listening room, sounding quite a bit more powerful than the 500wpc SS amp it replaced. More musical, too...