seeking compatible amp/ CJ pv10, Vienna Acoustic

Hi Everyone,

Need helping weeding through the under $3000 power amp/integrated amp used market. Seeking suggestions regarding proven winners, especially regarding quality-price ratio. Real budgetary constraints.

Am having a hard time with all the options for a USED integrated or power amp to go with my Conrad Johnson PV10 preamp (currently being upgraded by Bill Thalmann) and Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grands speakers. Also using Rel T3 "sub-bass system." Will probably switch in a used Rega Apollo when I switch out the Linn Classik.

Currently playing two-channel music only in man-cave library. Seeking suggestions for highly MUSICAL amp for dad's music room, not for blasting through whole house or being at the cutting-edge of audio sound or architecture. Playing vinyl (jazz, rock, hiphop) through Rega p3-24. Currently using nice-sounding Linn Klassik integrated amp (with cd player) but simply need more power (amp goes to "rest" when volume goes too high). The Mozart Grand speakers don't want to be be-amped. But how power-hungry are they, really (4 ohms, 90 dB rating)?

Here are some of the non-obscure used things I've been tracking lately:
Primaluna Prologue 7 (and Prologue 1 or 2) --tubes
Conrad Johnson MF2200, 2500, 2250 --solid state
Conrad Johnson MV 60 --tubes
Rega Elicit, Exon monoblocks --SS
Cambridge Audio 840W --SS (had a CA 650avr that stopped working after 2 yrs)
Linn LK 180 and other better SS power or integrated amps
Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum, and other models (only if under $3000)

The above items ranged at USED prices from $1000 (or less, with some Linn and Rega items) to $3000 and over (some Rogue, and CJ).

These are very well-known brands but no audio salon in southeast Detroit has any used models of them to audition and possibly buy.

It's been recommended to me that I might need SS in order to offset the warmth and mid-range focus of PV10 amp and the "dark" coloring of the Mozart Grands (known for slight roll-off in high treble range). But I don't know how much tube current it would take to make the Mozart Grands sing.

Basically I'm a teacher, not an orthodontist or businessman. Lots of freedom; not so much cash. So I need to go used. And I need to go smart. I listen mostly to acoustic jazz on cd or vinyl and some rock, hiphop, and soul that need higher volume. I prefer instruments made of wood (piano, drums, bass, clarinet) and seek to focus music reproduction on mid-range magic and dynamic range and quiet noise floor over precise and deep bass or sparkling high trebles or analytical precision.

The term "polite" is not a deal-killer in my house. I think psychoanalytic terms help here: A polite, agreeable but not dangerously censorious superego matched to a self-managing and competent ego and linked to a growling, voracious id might sound just about right when I look in the acoustic mirror.

Thanks for suggestions based on listening experience and study.

I agree with Grannyring, that the VA speakers need a good high current SS amp for best performance. I have read that the impedance and phase angle of the load with some VA speakers are just not suited for tube amps. You mention higher volume and dynamic range, so you definitely need more power than the Linn. Since the 75w@4ohms is not enough, I would be looking for a 4 ohm rating of at least 150w, but recommend higher than that. Since this works on a logarithmic scale, double power is only a 3db increase, which is not that much.

Again, IMHO, I recommend avoiding tube power, unless it was a beast, which would exceed your budget.
I also own those speakers. I agree with the posts. The Vienna Mozart Grand really benefits from reasonably high current(doubling its power from 8ohms to 4ohms) ss amp power and a good power cord to control the speaker. I use a Belles Reference 150 V2, and a passive pre with excellent results. You have some very nice speakers there, they can sound really really superb. Let us know what you do. Have fun.
I used a CJ pv10al and my McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe with SMcAudio upgrades, playing thru 86.5 db 4 ohm Hales Revelation Three. This was a really wonderful match IMHO. Sometimes I wish I still owned the CJ...
Thank you for these responses. Such a great knowledge base here!

So I've added some new names to my list of used power amps to look for in the under $3000 range that may synergize nicely with Mozart Grand speakers, CJ pv10 amp, Rega TT, and acoustic jazz.... SS names like Blue Circle. Belles Reference. McCormack.
The combo of CJ and Vienna offers a warm/smooth/musical presentation but needs an articulate dynamic amp with outstanding detail to bring out their best in my experience.