Krell Duo 300 compared to Evo 302e or 402e?

Hi I am looking for an amp to power some Revel Salon 2s and wondering about these amps. From all I can read it seems that the 302e or 402e would be a good amp for the Salon 2s but the new Duo 300 with it's cooler running demeanor is definitely appealing. I am wondering if anyone out there has compared these or owned both and can shed some light on this?
07-21-14: Audiolabyrinth
I have a modded Krell 700 CX right now, you should hear what this amp is doing, very incredible, way, way better than a stock 700cx and 302E, I have listened to the 302E many, many times, never owned one, I have owned or listened to alot other krells over the years,I had the Krell company them selfs do a complete re-build of the inside of my Krell 700cx with all new stock cosmetics to make the amp new looking along with the inside, Krell inserted all kinds of parts inside the amp to make it work with the capacitors that were not stock inside this amp when it was made in 2005, you should see the bag of parts they sent back with the amp that I requested, Huge bag of parts, I was supprised, this costed alot of money to do this, I will keep this amp likly the rest of my life to get my money back out of it, not saying I will not have or get another amp one day, it's just not feasable to sale this at a big loss in money that I have tied up in the amp, cheers.
They replaced some of the parts in your 700 CX with current production parts, so how can you conclude it's out of this league superior to all Krells? At best, it's closer to current production models.
Hello Audiolabyrinth,

Would you please share your impressions of the build quality and sound of the krell 302e?

By any chance have you ever listened to a Musical Fidelity AMS-50?

I ask because these two power amplifiers are on my short list to audition.

Many Thanks
Hi Joecasey, I'm not sure if the modded krell 700cx I have is the best Krell ever, likly NOT, you are correct, Krell likly inserted parts and caps that are inside the brand new amps that they are selling now in my amp, then that is where you draw the line, The Krell 700cx has two huge transformers, essentially two of everything, a mono block amp in one chassis, my amp can handle 1 ohm speaker loads with ease where all the new krell amps cannot go less than 4 ohm loads of speakers, I know this to be a fact, Krell themselfs told me that information, the specs are also far greater in my amp compaired to the new krell amps as well too, my amp is a true balanced design-no RCA connections what so ever, any amp that has RCA and balanced and cast is NOT a true 100% balanced amp, I only have cast and Balanced period., the signal to noise ratio in my amp is 120 DB, the 700 cx is also more complex, The transformer uf specs is far and away greater than all the new Krell amps meaning with my exsperience can play lowest volume setting and still get the total full sound, at the end, it is really your voicing preferance, The evolution E series sounds different than the cx series, I do imagine the new amps sound closer to what I own, since that is krell's goal to go back to class A sound, however, I did live with a stock 700cx for two years, I assure you the sound now is alot better than before now that the amp is modded, I am happy, thrilled with the out come, cheers.
I also wanted to add, when and if I get another amp, I will stick to the sound I have, meaning, I will obtain a Dan D Agistino amp, The new intergrated amp looks very good if that is what any one wants, in my mind, the krell cx amps was Dans last he soley developed by himself, and the heritage carried onto his new company, The Dan D agistino audio.