Once again, impressed by NAD

I bought an NAD receiver for a small due room system 18 years ago. The only thing that remains of that system is the NAD receiver which has been in my basement for years now.

Well, my Pass INT-150 developed an intermittent fault so I shipped it out for repair. In the interim I pressed the NAD into service. Presently the only source connected to it is phono. And guess what- it sounds quite, quite good! It's astonishing that a receiver that had a $300 list 18 years ago can come close to a current $7150 integrated amp. Oh, the Pass is quieter, has a more robust and developed low end but overall the NAD is much more that just listenable.

Makes me wonder how much we hobbyists pay for that's last 15-20% of sound quality.
I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for NAD. I owned a c317 (pretty sure that's what it was) in my late twenties. It was my first venture away from brands like Technics. I loved that integrated. I passed it on to my third in line who's in his junior year at RIT. I'm not sure how much he uses it right now as he's working a co op in IT at a hospital. The best bang for the buck out there.
I heard the NAD-375bee on several ocassions and IMO was a better overall sounding amp then the MAC-MA6300. If I was creating a budget system and wanted new gear this would be my amp!
Not sure how the 314 compares to other NAD models. It is forward, open and bright sounding with great bass. The preamp section I think is its highlight and is a good value relative to other preamps I have owned that retailed for under $2k. I have owned it probably fifteen years for use in my computer system. It did do temp duty in my main stereo after my last preamp kicked the bucket. But the 314 moved over for a Lamm L1, and (as should be the case) there is no comparison between them.
Yes I had the famous NAD 7240PE two channel receiver for many years and it worked flawlessly. I finally did sell here on Audiogon when I upgraded to surround sound. But that machine was so well built. Now because of the audio dealer I prefer working with nearby, I've switched to Rotel and Integra as they don't handle NAD. Very comparable though. Rotel and NAD have always been close in their lines. I do have an NAD universal player and love the audio it produces.

The other conclusion is that the Pass integrated is not as good as you thought


your systems resolution is in some way compromised.

I would look at your various interconnects, are they of good quality are they matched.

With an $7k integrated your interconnects should generally be around $500-$1,000.00 which is where you start getting really good cables.