Aragon 4004 power light on but no sound

Hi all,

I have Aragon 4004 power amp that has an issue: It used to work well, however i just turned the amp off and in 10 seconds I turned it on again then I found it provided no sound. The power light is still on now. The aragon preamp has been tested, working well.

Does Anyone have any experiences and ideas? I appreciate your time reading this.
Yes, check the rail fuses. But since it appears that both channels are dead it might be a fuse (or problem - faulty power switch?) related to the power supply. More likely that than two (or perhaps four) rail fuses blowing simultaneously.
Thanks for replies.
After a night, the amp worked again. But as soon I turned it off and on, I had no sound.
i ll check the rail fuses as you adviced.
Thanks again.