Pass XA-30.5 and PSB Synchrony One

Can anyone comment on driving the PSB Synchrony One (which I just bought - these are 4 ohm with a sensitivity of 89dB) with the Pass XA-30.5? I'm currently driving them with a Hafler 9500 with very good results but am wondering if I can do better with the Pass. The Hafler 9500 is a very good amp - over the years I have compared it with Conrad Johnson 2300A, Krell 400xi, Odyssey Stratos, Aragon 4004 II and one or two others and have always preferred its sound. I value imaging and soundstaging. Yes, the Hafler is rated at 375W/ch into 4 ohms but I don't usually listen at excessive levels.
I typically listen to jazz (I have a weakness for female vocals), classical, choral, and occasionally reggae/pop/R&B.

Source is a Squeezebox Touch (fed from a dedicated NAS) feeding a PS Audio DL-III DAC. Preamp is a Conrad-Johnson PF2 (single-ended).

Room is about 12'(W) x 10'(H) x 24' (L) but I can sit no further than about 7' from the speakers.

Should I be concerned about the power of the XA30.5?

+1 lowrider. the pass may be "only" 30w, but i've heard it effortlessly drive some demanding speakers, including big wilsons and dynaudio contour, and i'd be surprised if it wasn't a good match with the psbs--it's a great amp.
XA 3.5 will drive these speakers fine... It is a Class A unit, but Not a PURE Class a Unit. It is biased to run Class A for its first 30 watts into 8 ohms... In reality, when it switches to A/B, it will run 120 to 130 watts 8 ohm and somewhere near 200 watts 4 ohm....
Unless your a head banger, you should get plenty of volume.
I hope this helps, Tim