5 best selling newish speaker brands in 2013?

Thinking about looking at speakers, but there are too many. What brands are the most popular? Please keep it to 5 or it defeats the purpose...thanks.

Hopefully it won't just be B&W, Magnepan, the usual suspects. Say, stars in the range 1000 to 4000 -ish.

Focal,makes some affordable models now. Ive heard great things about the Martin Logan Vantage.Dynaudio is a favorite of mine. Totem Acoustics. Kef.Klipsch...the list goes on
Brands I like: Thiel, Dynaudio, Totem, Aerial, Nola. And what about a bigger ProAc?
Evolution Acoustics, Vapor Audio, Selah, Linn, Clearwave and Salk. I have listened to all of them and I like something from all of them. I am an owner of one.
Speaker backs towards glass wall means look for something* downward ported.

*as opposed to someone downward ported, although as a bachelor maybe you're not especially choosey in that regard...
Tom...which one stayed with you. Don't know why, but did not like the Linns. Vapor was taking off when I stopped paying attention, and Salk was well established in front but never had heard any. The others are new to me, thanks.