Which Harbeth Speakers

After a long search, I have decided to buy Harbeth speakers as well as the Luxman 505u and a Luxman dac or cd player. My room is about 12'by 20' wih 81/2 foot ceilings. The speakers will be on the long wall -- I will be sitting about 10 feet from the speakers. I listen to a lot of jazz, Miles Davis, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, classic Blue Note recordings, Brazilian, e.g. Ivan Lins, vocals Frank Sinatra, Nina Simone, Mel Torme, R&/b and Motown and African Music.
Any thoughts about which of the Harbeth C 7, m30.1 or shl5s would work best would be appreciated. Thanks to all who respond.
I use mine in a 11x12 room. I use around 6' of separation. You have to play with the distance apart until if locks in. These are magic speakers. Once you get the optimal separation and distance from them you get a ROCK SOLID center image. I compared them to Dynaudio C1 Sigs and Focal Utopia Micro BE both of which are excellent. The Harbeths clearly best them in terms of natural sound and believable representation of instruments. Many speakers tend to present believable representations of voices/instruments but when the SHL5s are properly set up, my mind cannot tell if what I'm hearing is the real thing. Bass can be strong but is incredibly rich and natural.
Michael, It's quite interesting that you compared the SHL 5 to the Dynaudio Confidence C!s and the Focal BE. They were speakers on my list as well. I found the JM Lab Micro Utopias to be very exciting but not well balanced and fatiguing. I still love the Confidence C1s but when I compared them on the same day to the Harbeth C7 and M30 I found them much less natural -- the same conclusion you came to. What kind of music do you listen to? And what electronics are you using?
I would expect Harbeth, Dynaudio and Focal to each sound unique and different off any particular amp. Different amps used would likely sway preferences to some degree.