Which Harbeth Speakers

After a long search, I have decided to buy Harbeth speakers as well as the Luxman 505u and a Luxman dac or cd player. My room is about 12'by 20' wih 81/2 foot ceilings. The speakers will be on the long wall -- I will be sitting about 10 feet from the speakers. I listen to a lot of jazz, Miles Davis, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, classic Blue Note recordings, Brazilian, e.g. Ivan Lins, vocals Frank Sinatra, Nina Simone, Mel Torme, R&/b and Motown and African Music.
Any thoughts about which of the Harbeth C 7, m30.1 or shl5s would work best would be appreciated. Thanks to all who respond.
Michael, It's quite interesting that you compared the SHL 5 to the Dynaudio Confidence C!s and the Focal BE. They were speakers on my list as well. I found the JM Lab Micro Utopias to be very exciting but not well balanced and fatiguing. I still love the Confidence C1s but when I compared them on the same day to the Harbeth C7 and M30 I found them much less natural -- the same conclusion you came to. What kind of music do you listen to? And what electronics are you using?
I would expect Harbeth, Dynaudio and Focal to each sound unique and different off any particular amp. Different amps used would likely sway preferences to some degree.
I use an Exposure 2010s2 for the Harbeths. Best combo I have heard and much more fulfilling than Luxman. I have not heard the Leben of LFD pairings but Exposure is so amazing at such a great price. They could charge double.

I use regular ol' Daytons for cabling. I have has transcendent experiences with them so for not I'm fine.