Question for Maggie 1.7 owners

When I got my 1.7s, I set them up with both spacers to give the a slight backward tilt. I'm wondering if anyone has experimented with using 2, 1, or none...and what, if any effect it has on soundstage, imaging, etc.
I wouldn't expect anyone to be able to hear such a fine difference between using 1 or 2 spacers; but maybe my ears aren't as good as yours. In my experience it's more important to have a good power amp, correct speaker location away from the back and side walls, proper toe-in, and using a smidge of equqlization found in the best software such as Amarra to help enhance low bass. I can spend endless time getting these things right.

I've never tried your specific experiment, but I have more than a little experience with the 1.7. Best wishes in your experiments.
--Tom from Sacramento
No experience with the 1.7's, but with the 1.6's I found a slight forward tilt to be better. I had Mye stands which made this easy and did not subject the speakers to danger of being knocked down when tilted forward.
Thanks. I'm going to mess with them. I have serious back issues, so it's easier to ask opinions first. LOL. May insert resisters too just to see.