B&W design quality observation. Any downside

I just took the baffle off a pair of B&W Concept 90 CM1's from 1991. I wanted to tighten the woofer drivers to the baffle. I was surprised to find the spider for the woofer was cast in 1 piece with the front baffle! Certainly no tightening required.(It confirmed the B&W ethic of good quality to me. The rubberized/elastic seal between baffle and speaker was also in perfect condition. I was left to tighten the tweeters to the baffle and the baffle to the body-which made a very noticeable improvement to the clarity, dynamics and smoothness of the sound
I am impressed by this design; it seems sensible when technically feasible as it absolutely eliminates any chance of loosening from the baffle-which is the bane of ALL speakers where the drive units are affixed to the baffle.
I wonder why some of these so called "ultra high end speakers (Magico, Yg Acoustics) don't use this type of design.
Is there a downside I am not considering?
You are not alone Paul and I believe you are actually in the majority. I think our friend Bo has lost so much credibility here at Audiogon, that most don't even bother to comment anymore.

As amusing as his inability to spell or write a coherent sentence is, that was never what I objected to. It is his almost condescending manner to push his opinions, based on his mere perceptions and nothing more, as absolute fact. And, as you point out, disrespect other contributors of this forum in the process.

His thread asking for comparisons of B&W 800 D series speakers vs. those that he touts isn't exactly going his way either. He rebutted one of my earlier posts by advising he was going to create it and I should follow it closely.

Well I am Bo, I am. And, I rest my case.
Hi Paul: Exactly right. And we don't need any infighting in an already small community of people. But, it exists, too much in fact. And I would say that there's more Bo's out there, but Bo is certainly one of a kind that's for sure! lol. :D
Donjr, totally agree. I had a pair of 602s when I graduated college in 1997-GREAT speakers for rock, house, techno. People loved coming over to my place to listen to my radio.

Great memories, great speakers.
Bo...you should change your nick in a "axegrinder"...it would suit you much better...admit to us all...B&W CEO molested you when you was a kid...while bowers not my favorite speakers definitively not as bad or 2D sounding as you describe them...or some haters on this forum...so please put the bong down and go to sleep...just my 0.02 cents...
"Audio is about facts"
-anonymous inexperienced agenda driven vendor

Well, I buy and own what pleases ME.
-experienced audiophile

And that's a fact.