Dylan on Drugs ?

1987: 'Dylan and the Dead' tour made the Dead
sound 'lively'.
1992: Nixed from Hear Music,
2001: TWENTY year anniversary of slumming with Ringo &
P-Jam in the $5 CD sale-rack
2002: New album Love and Theft is a $^&^%## Classic !!

Old Bob sounds like he's been lightin up with Les Paul, Johnny Cash and John Hiatt, (with maybe some Leonard Cohen dropping in between sets). Different and new as it is, it still sounds like a classic BOB DYLAN album ! Way to go Dylan !!!!!

Any other fans out there ? Is 'time out of mind' as good ?
Ah you can't kid a kidder but yes apparently the late 80's and early 90's saw Dylan on a bad alcohol trip.
I've actually seen Bob 8 times, all in Scotland-'89,'91x2,'95x3,'97 and 2000(I think these years are right but..)-as CFB points out his new band is excellent and 2000 was certainly the best show I've seen him give,the 91 first date was hilariously bad at times,he'd just put together a new band and well under rehearsed doesn't begin to describe it......Blowin'In The Wind I believe is a song about numerology (each verse has an actual real answer to Bob's questions i.e 7,13,2 etc.)if you add them all up it comes to 1941 the year Bob was born,so it could mean that actually Bob himself is the answer...Lay Lady Lay is probably about his pet chicken Lady and his desire for eggs,since the song is one of yearning we can never be really sure if it worked...of course you may have your own interpretations but they are unlikely to be as accurate are they?
Dylan has been taking a trip on that magic swirling ship for 40 years. He's been to sugar town and shook the sugar down. He's dined with kings and been offered wings and he's never been too impressed. He's forever young and always changing the times on his terms. I may be biased, but I find some genius in every one of his albums. Dylan may have new material, but I would never call him contemporary. Part of the magic of Dylan's lyrics is they can mean many different things depending on how you may interpret them. He can sing one of his songs differently than the time before and bring new meaning to a song you may have heard a 1000 times. Dylan is condemed to drift or else be kept from drifting. I hope he stays on that magic swirling ship for another 40 years. May he stay forever young.
Brulee, words of magic and praise for someone that you obviously feel linked to. Kudos for putting your own twist on things. Sean

PS... Saw Dylan ONE time quite a while back. That was enough for me forever.
I have NEVER been able to figure what all the fuss was about Dylan. His voice is just about the worst ever recorded and the guy mumbles and shuffles thru his songs like a zombie on Prozac. Bogus. He does, however, know how to surround himself with great musicians. Too bad they have to share the stage with brain-dead Bob. Color me thoroughly under-whelmed...
RL, the fuss about Dylan: he is one of the greatest songwriters ever, but really shouldn't attempt to play/sing his compositions. Like Leonard Cohen, Bob has no musical talent and should restrict his musical performances to the shower. I saw Dylan in concert several years ago, and although I had a good time I couldn't help thinking Bob should stick to writing music and perhaps playing the harmonica.