What are these vintage speakers?

What make and model are these vintage speakers? Much appreciated.
speaker photo
Based on a quick Google Images search, they appear to be the Heathkit AS-101, although photos of that model generally show them without legs. The AS-101 apparently used the same Altec drivers that were used in Altec's Valencia model.

-- Al
FWIW, back in the day, it was common for people to add those short legs to speakers. I presume it was to keep from flattening the cartpe or to solve the boominess issue that plagues large speakers sitting directly on the floor.
Al, you are 100% correct. Thanks for taking the time to find the answer. My 1st guess was Altec's. I found photos of Valencia’s which were similar though had visual differences from the speakers in the photo. I would never have thought to add Heathkit into my search parameters. That it took you a quick search I'm betting you had insider information!

They were at a sale I went to today, and I bought them. Amazingly clean especially considering their age. Thanks again Al!!

Tony, yes it seems the owner added the short legs. My take to the purpose was as you mentioned, to reduce the speaker's interaction with the floor.