Need to Downsize: Small Speaker Recommendation

Hi all,

I've had the Thiel 6's for many years and love them but moving to a much smaller space and they are just too big Have them paired with the Sonic Frontier 3 monoblocks and a Conrad Johsnson tube pre-amp. I've traded up in the Thiel line over 30 years so really love their sound (could do with a bit more bottom end but love the sound overall so i have stuck with them). So, looking for recommendations for small (even bookshelf) speakers. I realize i may have to get rid of the amps as well but for now want to start by identifying a pair of speakers i can live with.

Thanks in advance for any and all recommendations.

check out B&W 805D. Will be a nice match for your CJ pre-amp.
Otherwise, Dynaudio C1 or CII signature will be a sonic match for your Cardas cables. Keep us posted. Happy Listening!
Opinions on speakers are always subjective so since you asked, I'll give you mine. Seriously consider stand-mounted Sonus Faber speakers. They offer amazing sound quality, much bigger sound than you would expect from their small size. If dynamics are important to you then you will love Sonus Faber. I have lived happily with my SF Electa Amators for more than twenty years, and I'll never sell them. They retailed for around $6,000 new (including dedicated stands) but I see them for $2-3,000 now. Also, if you ever need to sell them in the future, Sonus Faber speakers don't last long on the used market.