Telarc 1812 revisited

I've posted several threads about the trackability of this record and have received many scholarly answers, with emphasis on physics, geometry, compliance, weight, angles,price and all sorts of scientific explanations about tonearms, cartridges, VTA, etc, etc. Let's cut to the chase: I have a 1970's Pioneer 540 in the garage I bought for $5 at a thrift store plus an Audio Technica cartridge for which I paid $30 This combo. tracks the Telarc 1812 perfectly without problems while my $4000 Rega and $1200 Project bounce out of the grooves.. I'd really finally like to get some explanation and resolution as to this discrepanccy
Dear J.Carr: +++++ " But doing so means that the suspension's fulcrum point will shift position, depending on what the frequency being reproduced is. This won't necessarily sound bad, and some cartridges are designed like this. But it certainly isn't accurate. " +++++

you are the " boss " here. In all the cartridges I name here ( that can track the 1812 ), including the Akiva, I just not been aware of any sign of unaccuracy during the different playback sessions.

Which kind of unaccuracies could I find out down there?

++++ " For the Telarc 1812, yes.... " ++++

well, if we are extremely strict I agree with you: nothing is diffrent with the Telarc that with any other LP on the VTA/SRA set up but my meaning was not for that strict criterium but about that triangle/tambourine passage that when is really " right " you can easy confirm it trhough other LP's ( in the whole evaluation system process. ).

Certainly you don't need that I teach about loading a cartridge that's well know for any audiophile. What maybe you need is to read again my post on reference to that and then test in your system because you own the Telarc recording.

++++ " Trading one form of distortion for another " +++

yes, and almost always exist trade offs in audio ( as Dougdeacon posted. ) that's why I always say that is in your own overall knowledge level and skills to choose the trade-offs that makes the less harm to the audio signal and to do this we need carfully training to identify each kind of distortion sounds, with out this self training no one can do it.

Regards and enjoy the music,
++++ " The electronic and mechanical keyboards...... " ++++

this is refred to the Carrillon play.

Btw, the 1812 Carrillon passages is another way to know about not only the cartridge set up quality level but the audio system resolution levels.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I forgot:

++++ " It is quite easy to improve the tracking performance, for example by designing a wire suspension with a longer-than-normal free length. This has the side-effect of lessening the intensity of the loads on the tonearm, which can seem to be a benefit if the tonearm has a resonance-prone mechanical structure, and can improve the tracking of a tonearm with lower-grade bearings or imperfectly adjusted/unevenly worn bearings. " ++++++

and IMHO not only an advantage for the tonearm but for the cartridge it self and for us listeners. With a cartridge with high tracking abilities, especially with classic music,
the normal higher distortions in the last thrid part of an LP goes lower and lower distortions on this regards means more music information.

I was thinking that there were no negative trade offs ( only advantages. ) improving the cartridge tracking abilities by design till your post but you don't really explain what we have to look for during playback so it's not clear for me especially with so many different experiences with cartridges with top tracking abilities where its quality level performance is really good.

Denon, Ortofon, Benz Micro, Highphonic, Technics, Satin, Linn, Sumiko and many more choosed ( at least is what their cartridges shows during playback and with specs. Example Today Ortofon specs on tracking abilities in the A-90 or Winfeld is 100um. ) as one main cartridge characteristic high tracking abilities and their cartridges performs ( overall ) really good where Lyra choosed a different " road ": nothing wrong with that ( is your privilege. ) only makes me think more that if we want top quality sounds IMHO we need high cartridge habilities. I have no test/proved fact against my take on that critical regards.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Well I just bought on ebay my third original Telarc 1812 LP sample.

IMHO and even if your cartridge can't track the cannon shots with aplomb or even if you don't like this kind of score the recording is a must to have.

I own all the Telarc LP catalog ( thank's that the Audio Technica CEO ( in those old times. ) in México was a very close friend of mine. ) and by a wide marging the 1812 is the best recording down there.
There are other Telarc scores very well recorded and some others not so good but in general are ok and some excelent.

Regrads and enjoy the music,