What kind of power cord comes with expensive gear

I was just pondering power cords today . I started wondering what kind of power cords come with expensive gear . Over A few grand up to cost no object pieces . If they come with run of the mill black rubber shielding cords i can convince myself to never buy an aftermarket power cable again .

Any owners of said equipment or with knowledge on this subject please chime in .
There was a time when a lot of high end gear came with captured power cords and plugs and we all thought it sounded great. As the cable business grew, fewer and fewer captured power cords. Not a coincidence. I have found a bigger difference in one record to the next than I ever have from one power cord to the next. But there is a difference and if somebody wants to buy a $10k power cord to experience that difference, have at it. Like Elizabeth, I can't hear beyond Pangea.
From Jeff Rowland website:

"Various accessories such as power cords, interconnects, power conditioners, and even more so major components such as speakers, as well as analog or digital front ends, often have a significant effect on the sound of a music reproduction system.

Unfortunately, the sonic effect of such products is very much system dependent, and their particular desirability is very much a function of the musical and sonic preferences of an individual listener.

Therefore, as company policy, JRDG refrains from recommending any third party components or accessory products over other ones."

It would not make sense to provide any other than good quality generic power cable IMHO.
Interesting responses. I assume what has been said about power cords also applies to fuses? The manufacturer should just supply the amp with a generic fuse on the assumption that an audiophile will replace it with one of their choosing. I imaging any tubes would also fall into this category. But where does it end? Should the manufacturer also assume that the audiophile user will replace the speaker binding posts, capacitors, power ICs, internal wiring, resistors, input sockets, etc.? Why have a production amp at all, just do it a la carte.
@Onhwy61, the upgraded fuses is a good question, because many of these manufacturers are already using exotic, boutique caps, resistors, diodes, internal wire, etc. The fuses fall more into that category, not costing hundreds, or thousands of dollars.

IMHO, the power cord, interconnects and speaker cables are a different category because so many of them are so much more expensive than high end caps, fuses, etc.