Noise when playing vinyl

I just bought a used Rogue Audio Sphinx integrated amplifier which appears to be in very good shape, and connected a Micro Seiki DD30 turntable to it which I obtained used in eBay. The turntable seems to be in good shape, and works fine. However, when I first turn it on and start playing an album, there seems to be a rather loud low frequency noise which makes the woofers in the speakers vibrate wildly, and even makes the needle skip. I turn down the volume, wait a few seconds, and then can resume playing without further problems. Anyone have any idea what is causing this and how I can repair it? Thank you all in advance!
I am a Micro Seiki guy and that cartridge is a very nice match for the tonearm of the DD30.

There are two paths for acoustic feedback, structure borne, which means that the structure that you are putting the turntable on is inducing the feedback, usually through the floor, or airborne feedback which simply means that your turntable is too close to a speaker.

Let's take the first one first. What type of structure do you have your turntable on? If it is heavy, like a dresser or large shelving unit then a good experiement is to try it on a very light table, like a TV tray table and see if that helps. Likewise, you can try things like tennis balls cut in half for feet or even a partially inflated inner tube with a piece of plywood on top of it. KAB Acoustics also makes a low frequency filter - what we used to call a "rumble filter" that may work as well.

If it is airborne, you have but one solution and that is to move the turntable to a place where it is no longer excited by the loudspeakers.
Guys, thank you again! Viridian, I placed felt pads under the heavy entertainment center that I have the TT on, and I also placed felt pads on the metal feet that my Totem speakers have. That has solved the problem! Which is a good thing, because I could not move the speakers to any other location. Thanks so much again!!!