Any Allnic H1201 owners out there?

I am considering getting one of these three pres, but I haven't heard the Allnic yetm and probably won't be able to given my location.

Allnic H1201, Manely chinook, EAR 834p

I am leaning towards the Allnic simply because it has adjustable gain settings with would be nice to use with one of my old SPUs. Any opinions?
Ohno...Buy what you can afford...Everything is system dependent...! I've had the had the H-1201 in my system for a year now fully broken in and it's getting better & better every time I flip the switch. You can't go wrong with it! BTW---I sold my Chinook for the Allnic and haven't looked back...Always enjoy the MUSIC!
I've had the Allnic 1201 for about 6 months now and I'm thrilled with it. I upgraded to it from a JTLI and, although I did enjoy the JLTI, the Allnic beats it by a long shot. Much fuller, richer sound but still retains all the detail that was the JLTI's strength. Bass was much fuller and more defined, too. I haven't heard the Manley or EAR, but I think you'll be happy with the Allnic. I do confess that it makes me wonder what an H3000 would sound like in my system...
Can anyone tell me how the Herron compares to the 1201? What differences and what competes with the Herron in the price range or a bit higher?