How Does Gold Wire Handle?

Thinking of building a pair of XLR interconnects using 26-28 gauge, 99.99% pure gold wire, 2-3 strands per conductor. As soft and malleable as gold is, I'm trying to imagine how it behaves--if you hold a 3-foot length by the ends and bring your hands together to bend it in a wide arc, I am imagining it just stays there, without any return. It would have to be carefully straightened out again, is this correct? It seems you wouldn't want to be bending these interconnects back and forth once made. How about silver and copper strands in these gauges? I hear the OCC in silver and copper handle/move better than non-OCC. I would be running any wire loosely in cotton and then teflon, much like the more successful designs out there. Thanks!
Because gold has inferior conductivity compared to copper and cost a lot more.

While I may believe that any objective difference between silver and copper is likely well below the threshold of being audible at least there is some science to support that fact that silver is a better conductor compared to copper (all other things being equal).

The purpose of the cable is to conduct the signal as perfectly as can be achieved and using a conductor that is known to be inferior makes absolutely no sense.
11-14-13: Brf
Why don’t any of the big cable companies use pure gold as their conductors in their top line?

24k is solid gold, but far from pure. Can you get 6N pure gold?

In a word....cost.
Analysis Plus offers their Golden Oval interconnects and speaker cables, which are gold-plated copper, and they list for $5,000 for a 1 meter pair of interconnects and $19,200 for an 8 foot pair of speaker cables. I can only imagine the prices if we are talking about pure gold. LOL!!
11-13-13: Jadem6
... gold is not as good a conductor as silver and copper, but conductance has little to do with the sonic result of the cable.

For line-level analog interconnect applications, differences in conductivity, and its reciprocal, resistance, are vastly too small in relation to the input impedance of the component that is being connected to have anything to do with whatever sonic differences may exist between cables made of the three materials.

Conductivity/resistance may of course have some significance in the case of speaker cables, depending on cable length, speaker impedance, criticality of woofer damping, and other factors.

-- Al
Agree that gold is a poor choice for conductivity and durability. People are conditioned to think it is the best…

Well, I am one individual who is conditioned only by what I hear in direct cable comparisons in my own system. So far for me, the metallurgy combination that makes me dance is a combination of 24k gold and platinum.