Do Jumpers make an audible difference?

I have recently completed my Shunyata loom of cables except for the jumpers. I'm currently using Nordost Heimdals and was wondering if moving to the Shunyata VTX jumpers would net enough sonic benefit to warrant the upgrade. Would like to hear from those who have upgraded jumpers and what those experiences have been. Thanks
Try using some junk jumpers for a downward comparison to see how much of a difference may be possible. Better yet, have someone else put only one, or not, in and see if you can identify it.
This is an area I recently began to explore. I have Revel F30's. One pair of binding posts feed the midrange and tweeter, and the other pair of binding post feeds the woofer. Crossover is 220hz. What the crossover point is, I think, will have a great influence on what you can expect to gain.

My speaker cables are hooked up to the mid/tweeter input, per the Revel owners manual. I had been using the stock jumper bars but then I made a set of jumpers using 8awg wire from Lowes and some Banana plus, soldered up,with WBT 4% silver solder.

I was startled by the broadened soundstage and more organic and tuneful bass. The mids and highs were unchanged. I didn't understand what happened unti I recalled my experience when I bought a sunfire sub years ago- wider soundstage.

So, for me, getting rid of the plates opened up the soundstage by suppprting the bass. As the crossover point is low, I had no expectation of any other change but if you're using a 2 way speaker with a 2k x-over, I think the effects will be more profound across the board

As it is now, I don't see a reaon I actually get a jumper to match my speaker cable, as in the region where I'm "jumping", I think having copper and plenty of it is the key. But we're I crossing over at a much higher point I would have to consider matching jumpers.

My total investment in my home made jumpers was $12. I thought I had little to loose; I came away pleasantly surprised.
My speakers are Joseph Audio Pulsars. The Nordost work fine however like many in this hobby I'm always looking for areas to improve. Thanks to all.
I had the same exsperience as Zavato, when I took the Bi-amp stock plates off, and installed Tara labs Omega Jumpers, that are 10 inches,They only cost $800.00 and come with bananas and spades, these Jumpers are the most profound jump in performance I have EVER put on my system, It is my opinion, that not all jumpers can achieve this performance level, and I believe that 10 inches, being shorter, that running another pair of speaker cables cannot result the same resolution because the signal looses intergrity by having to travel a longer distance, Enjoy the music.
I should think cryoing the jumpers and installing them in the correct direction would be as good idea. Ditto the fuses.