
Responses from jayh31

Line Magnetic 501-a gold? any experience?
I recently auditioned the LM 518 mated to a pair of Harbeth 7es-3s, the same combination Tim Smith used in his wallofsound.ca review. It sounded absolutely horrible. Congested, bloated, dull, slow, and completely devoid of any dynamics. Everything... 
Power tubes as drivers -- Line Magnetic
I recently auditioned the LM 518 mated to a pair of Harbeth 7s, the same speaker Tim used in his excellent review. It sounded absolutely horrible. Congested, bloated, dull, slow, and completely devoid of any dynamics. Everything from the lower mid... 
Cary 303/100 skips and stops occasionally
Greh,Who is the shop in South Florida? I have a Cary 306 Pro with a skip proble as well. 
New EAR Yoshina Acute CD Player?
The Cary is a terrific CD player; in fact, I'm really hoping the Romulus can bring it because while the Cary is a bit long in the tooth, it's still very capable. That said, I have no need for two players so I'd certainly be willing to let the Cary... 
New EAR Yoshina Acute CD Player?
Thanks Jafant, I've taken the plunge on the Romulus which I'm expecting to arrive in a couple of weeks. It will be replacing my current source, a Cary 306 Professional. I'm a beliver in keeping it simple, the Romulus will be paired with an LFD NCS... 
New EAR Yoshina Acute CD Player?
Thanks Jafant. I'm curious, do you recall what your impressions of the Aesthetix Romulus were? Also, do you remember who the dealer was? Thanks again,Jay 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
2015 Jaguar F-Type Convertible 
Do Jumpers make an audible difference?
My speakers are Joseph Audio Pulsars. The Nordost work fine however like many in this hobby I'm always looking for areas to improve. Thanks to all. 
Where R U?????
Tampa, Florida 
Shunyata Zitron Python Burn-In?
Thanks to all for your input. I'm only about 24 hrs in so by all accounts a long way to go. While I can certainly understand Guido's appreciation for the process, I guess I'm just to impatient. My source, (Cary Audio 306 Pro CD/SACD player) is a f... 
Oppo BDP-95 as a pure two channel audio source?
Lmacuuga, just to be sure I'm clear, your friend bought the Oppo BD-95/105 it solely based on it's two channel cd capability? What source prior to the Oppo? 
Who is the WORST Audio Shop?
Check out the "It's 2013, People" letter in the Feedback to the editor section, (pg. 11) of the newest edition, (Feb.2013) of Stereophile. That's what I'm talkin about.Jayh31 
Bryston BCD-1 Player Owners
Rgd, There is definitely a lack of synergy with the Bryston, which really isn't to surprising often occurs when one makes the type of significant upgrades to amp and speakers as I have, as well as, the fact that while the Bryston is a good player,... 
Better Upgrade Path? Better CDP or add a DAC?
RLwainwright, I know the Oppo is highly regarded by HT and PC enthusiast which is after-all, it's intended audience. I have yet to hear from a single person who has purchased an Oppo based solely on it's two channel audio prowess, which is what I'... 
Who is the WORST Audio Shop?
Again, we can clearly see here a pattern of poor experiences by several people at the same dealers.