Smoke contaminated component

Hi. I just purchased a vintage Marantz 2100 FM tuner (via eBay) and did not think to ask if the previous home/studio was smoke free. I have removed the top and I am letting it breath. Has anyone had success in removing the odors from within the cabinet? The metal cover also smells and I plan to wipe it down with hydrogen peroxide solution. Now I know "buyer beware". Thanks in advance. J.
You might want to consider calling one of those companies that restore a house after a fire. They could probably make some good recommendations.
You can use either the Febreze or Ozium products. Both are available at FleaBay, Walmart, and Target...

Open it up and place a few of those Fabric Softener dryer sheets in there for a few days. Those will get rid of a lot of the odor.
In addition to baking soda, you can also store it in a bag of charcoal. Good luck, it could easily take a few weeks.