Have you heard pro studio monitors ?

I have recently turned to "pro" gear . I have not heard a "bright" set of studio monitors yet ? They are not designed to accentuate any frequencies . I have owned many bookshelf speakers over the course of my life and none have come close to studio monitors for my taste . It is an avenue i would suggest to all . Just for the fun of it . And it is sooo much cheaper compared to hifi offerings .I used to think popular recordings were bright . bright used to be a part of my audio life for twenty years ! it is now gone . Finally my ear drums can rest !
rockdanny , Do you have yours set up for critical listening ? or close together around your computer screen . My first pair of the adams I placed as my previous speakers were . out from the wall and 5-6 feet apart . They really excelled that way. They image great , have a great soundstage . I caanot hear anything negative about them . which is a first for all the speakers I have owned .
Maple, setup is nearfield at my desk. So approx. 4 foot equilateral triangle. I would increase distances if I could, but that is not an option. Still, even at 4 feet, they image fine and soundstage is good too.
Maple, sorry, forgot to answer your question. Intent of purchase was not for critical listening, but they are so good that I do end up listening critically at times in lieu of my main rig.
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In top studios after all the work is done using nearfield monitors, the music is played on high-end home loudspeakers as a final check. I don't know if that carries any weight because on pop recordings they will also play the cut on a car loudspeaker to see how it will sound in that environment.