HH Scott 350 fm tuner

I just bought a Stereomaster 350 tuner in good working condition. I went to someones house to pick it up and he had it playing through his desktop sized speakers but that was enough to decide that it was worth the $100.00 price tag.
The problem that I had in setting it up is that my cable rca males are too large for the narrow and close together rca female inputs on the back of the 350 chassis. I was able to partially plug in the monster cable ends but I'm getting very low volumes so I had to turn up the volume on my ASR Emitter II all the way just to hear anything. I'd rather use the Monster Cable than a $3.00 cable from Walmart.
I'm wondering what other people have done to remedy this problem. My initial thought is to find extensions that will fit on the end of the Monster Cable but will also plug into the Stereomaster however my question being, which extensions and where do I find them?
I'd rather use the Monster Cable than a $3.00 cable from Walmart.
Well, I'd rather use what works including $3 cable from Walmart.
'Well, I'd rather use what works including $3 cable from Walmart.'

So this is the only antidote to the problem? Get real.
No the solution to the problem is to use wire that matches component weather it's $3 ones from Walmart or not.
The idea of cabling is not tied up to the cable quality or brand, but rather to the system synergy.
I would think it would be possible to replace the existing RCA terminals with new ones that are compatible with your interconnects.

This should be a simple, straghtforward job, and is what I would do in your situation.

You can look at Parts Express, Cardas, WBT, etc; for replacements.

Best of luck,

10-06-14: Czarivey
No the solution to the problem is to use wire that matches component weather it's $3 ones from Walmart or not.
The idea of cabling is not tied up to the cable quality or brand, but rather to the system synergy.

Please read the last part of my question to understand what type of information I am asking for.

'however my question being, which extensions and where do I find them?'

i.e. right angle extensions