Help a REAL newbie. Please

Hi everyone,

I've recently returned to high end audio after a 20-year absence. I'm very happy with the sound of my set-up, but apparently I missed a few things in computer audio over the last couple of decades :). I have only downloaded one album to iTunes in my life, and I know nothing about hooking up my computer to a stereo system. I don't even own an iPod. I have an Oppo 105 and a Hegel H80 integrated (has an internal DAC). I also have a Macbook Air, but I haven't used it for audio purposes.

Rather than expanding my fairly limited CD collection, I'd like to begin to build a library of high resolution files that can be played on my system. But I really have NO idea where to start. I've had a heck of a time finding a good guide to computer audio that isn't too advanced for me or that covered lots of irrelevant (to me) information. I'm only interested in getting the best audiophile-quality sound I can out of my system.

Do any of you have a suggestion of books, websites, videos, etc. that might get me up to speed relatively quickly on the basics? It's a new world out there for a luddite like me who doesn't even own a cell phone.

Thank you for your time to help out a newbie.

All the best from Oregon,
Yes, you need a monitor, which can be your TV. I am presuming if you have an Oppo you use it for movies. I am suggesting this as a trial, but I do know people who use this configuration for regular listening. You can start with a little thumb drive.

Also, if I remember correctly you can do DSD from a usb drive and cannot do DSD from a computer. I do not have a 105, but seem to remember that from somewhere. Could be wrong
Thanks. Believe it or not, I don't have the Oppo hooked up to a tv and I only have a laptop, so no external monitor to hook it to. I am going to try a good USB cable, and if that makes a significant difference then I'll explore further.

Thanks again to everyone for your help!
Without a monitor, are you sure all the audio settings, like crossover frequency and speaker size, are set correctly?

There is an app for both iPhone and Android phones which allows controlling the Oppo. But, you need to connect the Oppo to a wireless network to use it, which requires using the setup menus.

Any way to hook up a monitor/TV, at least temporarily.
Forgive my ignorance, but why would a CD player need settings for crossovers and speaker size if one is merely sending the signal to an amp?

Scott: Assuming you are ONLY using the Oppo 105 as a DAC and your MAC Book Air is the source for all music, I do not believe you need a monitor for the Oppo 105. When my MAC Book Pro was connected to the Oppo 105, used as a DAC ONLY, I did not use a monitor for my Oppo 105. As I stated above, once you set the Oppo 105 input to USB, you are ready to start playing music from your MAC Book Pro. As someone stated above, there might be some audio setting needed for fine tuning, but, most likely, these settings are not required for your application. When I used the DAC only in my Oppo 105, I used the standard Oppo settings and made no changes. Once the MAC is connected to the Oppo 105 via the USB cable, all audio controls are done on the MAC using iTunes and the volume control on your amplifier.

If you want to review the settings in the Oppo 105, you can temporarily connect it to your TV (or any monitor) and make the required changes and return the Oppo 105 to your audio system.

If you plan on using the Oppo 105 for video or for playing CD's from the Oppo (and not the MAC Book Air), an external monitor is definitely required. You need to verify this but I believe Oppo Digital changed the operation on the Oppo 105 so that an external monitor is not required for playing CD's.