Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
Rok2id wrote:
02-17-13: Rok2id
I think you have me confused with someone else as pertains to wire. On this thread, I am just a messenger. All I posted, about cable, was from people a lot more knowledgeable than me. I just delivered the message. I didn't drink the Wire kool-aid, so I am not involved. Just trying to be helpful. HOWEVER, when some one says a cable is 'danceable', I have to speak. After all I am only human. There is only so much a human can take.
I am not a player is the wire debate. Blue Jeans is all need.
Rok2id later wrote:
And btw, if you spent $70,000(US) on mostly cables, you are a very respectful idiot!

It seems you have changed your position during the course of this thread to one of someone who was not involved to one of disrespect and name calling.

If you are happy with your dorm-room hifi, fine. I cannot imagine why one who claims to totally eschew the "hype" of high-end products, spends so much time talking about it. Everyone is entitled to their views and I think that uncivilized behavior should be avoided. Not censored, just avoided.
By all means, keep on keeping on.....I just gotta run out and get some fresh popcorn. ;)
When one accuses others of drinking the kool-aid it presupposes that the accuser is of the correct and factual point of view (if such a thing exists). Said person then goes on to state that all he did was scrounge up some ramblings from others who support his view better than he can articulate and then passes it on in the role of messenger.

Disingenuous at best.

Said person is an active participant throwing others stones thinking they're better than the ones he has but he's still the one throwing them.

To be offended at the prose used to describe an event is understandable. Poetic license only goes so far. Some are better at it than others. But that shouldn't detract from the fact that not all cables sound the same. This is a great example of going off into the weeds, loosing sight of the topic ( a ploy perhaps?)

I may have champaign taste and a beer pocket book like most out there but within those limits lies lots of cables within my price point and every one of them sounded different. All one needs do is try to keep an open mind and ear.

All the best,