Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
Jimyork, I agree with you, as a conservative, that it is hard not to talk past each other on the important issues of our time. Like wire. ;)

To wannabe saviors, If you don't want to play with wire, Don't ! You can buy and sell used cables on this site with no loss of money and decide for yourself or use the Cable Company's services. Why get all upset, when you can test cables in your system. If Monster sounds best in your system, Great! If it's the $3000 Elrods, well that's up to you and your wallet.

Don't try to save us! We will figure out what's best for us.
****Don't try to save us! We will figure out what's best for us. ****

Amen! Which goes back to my question: Why does it matter so much to non-believers, that some of us believe?

Now, acknowledging that there will be many exceptions, a really interesting survey might be what percentage of non-believers are Democrat or Republican; same for believers.
The issue of the efficacy of cables (as well as the question of cost) is not easily resolved unless one works with sets/looms of cables. Many people do not, and thus have only hearsay to discuss. :(

It costs money to conduct such comparisons, and most audiophiles despite their insistence upon being serious, are unwilling to put up the money to do so. Between the percentage of those with hearing loss and those unwilling to conduct comparisons with sets of cabling, this issue will never be resolved. :)
this issue will never be resolved

That's the business model of the cable companies in a nutshell.
The thing I love about this forum,It is alive and well!I do like talking to all of you!no matter the differences,It is just a hobby!,We can all agree on the fact we love music!,or we would not be here talking to each other,to me ,thats cool!