Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
These days Audioquest is my favorite brand in cables. Because it has all properties what should be there in a balanced audio set. They only thing what they cannot do; making exeptional good powercables like Purist Audio makes. I tested them, but Purist Audio is superior in every aspect. In 2 weeks I will meet Bill of Audioquest. I will tell him they have to get back tot the drawing table.
@ Bo1972, Audioquest must have came a very long way since I last listened to one of their cables!,I suppose a cable brand could get better over 10 years, thats the last time I gave all their models a spinn!,, cheers!
Audioquest made an exeptional progress in the last 5-6 years. They were fine cables but not exeptional. But these days they deliver stunning cables. With the best blacks and the best 3d touchable image.Wenn I compare them with Kimber, it looks if those people were sleeping.
@ bo1972, Hi, you confirmed that the progress happened in the last few years, just as I suspected!, Thats great!, I would like to go and hear some of the new audioquest cables, just to see how far they came along!, However, I just bought the top of the line Taralabs cobalt a/c power cord today!, retail $5,000.00 for 6ft!, Its said this power cord out performs most power cords at eany price point!, well see!, I just want it to sound good for me!, Thanks Bo1972, cheers my friend!
I prefer and use Purist Audio Design powercables. The powercables of Audioquest are not good enough. As you know I am only interested in the best. BECAUSE GOOD NEVER WIL BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME.