Preamp recommendations for Pass Labs Aleph 30 amp

There are so many preamps out there that I don't know where to start.

I am looking for a neutral sounding preamp with quick pace, excellent air, and tight deep bass to complement my Pass Labs Aleph 30 power amp.

I had an Audio Electronic Supply DJH signature preamp (Cary). It was great in so many ways but I got tired of the dark and slow sound. I realized I like PRAT but want a natural ease in its presentation as well.

I want 4 inputs, 2 outputs and remote. My budget is under $900 used.
My current cdp is a Cary 308. My speakers are fast and detailed high end custom made.

Why would a Pass pre be a mismatch?

I don't know much about CJ's Premier line compared to their PV. Can you enlighten me. I don't wan't to soften dynamics and darken the sound like the Cary/AES tube pre did. I love great dynamics for large scale music.

Mike, I have'nt a clue why the X2 was'nt a match, it was a complete mystery to me and the helpful dealer. It produced an audible hum even with the volume at zero. I tried different cables, supports, I even tried with a friends Aleph 5, same hum. Pass Labs could'nt explain either. I am not saying you would have the same problem at all.
As for the CJ 17, no tube wooliness at all, detailed, but not harsh, the expected great tube midrange, but good base too. Also the widest soundstage I've heard with the Aleph 3. I loved that amp for it's detail and sweet tone, but it does'nt throw a very wide stage. I have listened to a number of tube pre's and am a commited CJ fan. IMHO you will find it hard to beat under reference grade pre's, plus they are reliable and the firm give excellent after sale service. If you can. give the combo an audition somewhere, I think you will be impressed. best wishes
I had a BAT with mine - even Steve from BAT thinks that BAT and Pass run well together. The Pass is a 2-stage device while the BAT preamps are 1-stage. That combined with a balanced connection really worked sounded "oraganic".

Which model did you have? Some models are very expensive, so I hope your talking about their cheapest one. Are they very neutral sounding. That is what I got tired of in the long run with the Cary/AES preamp. I realize I like a clear neutral sound with good PRAT.
