opinions on Clayton amps ?

looking for opinions on the clayton amp, 40, 70 or 1000, , I will be using them with Onix Ref 3 speakers, thanks
If I didn't have tube amps now and was looking to go with some great solid state amps, one of the Clayton models would be at the very top of my list:


First let me say that I am a Clayton Audio dealer. I will say that they are awesome. The sound is very smooth and precise. I use a pair of M-200's for demo. You will not be disappointed with them. I promise.
Clayton Audio- warmer, denser, more liquid but a darker treble than the Ayre in my (limited) listening experience.
A buddy of mine in Chicago is also a dealer for Clayton and I've gotten to spend a few hours with the M-200's on a couple of occassions. These are really terrific amps with plenty of jump and a very smooth presentation. jmlm has it about right although I would say they don't give up any detail to be that liquid and smooth. If you're near Chicago I could hook you up with him and you might be able to set up an audition to go hear them.

Your friend heard that comparison in my showroom. It was shortly after RMAF 2006 and the rep for the Belles gear is located not too far from my showroom. They had paired up the Escalante Fremonts in the Belles room after hours at the show and there was good synergy so he wanted me to try them out. I had the new $12K 75 watt class A monoblocks they had debuted at the show and Dave's top of the line preamp coupled to the Escalante Fremonts.

While the sound was very good with the Belles amps and the mid-range was just a little more refined. The 50 watt S40 actually had more power, better soundstaging, depth, height, et cetera and by a noticable margin. Unfotunately the M100's I had where already out the door and on the way to a customers or I would have done that comparison as well.

That audition however was what prompted me to bring in the M200's next. At several thousand less than the $12K Belles amps and more than twice the power it was a no brainer. In addition, moving into the balanced units removed all comparisons between the two amps. The mid-range with the M200's was no longer and issue or a contest. The Belles gear is good but its just not in the same class as the Clayton Audio amps at the same or slightly lower price points.

The Powers Module gear is great equipment and David Belles is as nice as they come. I just couldn't bring on the line knowing what happened when we put the S40 in the mix. As you know based on what you've been told. This wasn't only my opinion. You heard this from the person that came up and listened to the same comparison and made their own decision about how things sounded. Interesting that it's coming out almost a year later. I almost forgot about that listening session.