Help me spend $8,000 this is really long, sorry

I can't say my current situation is a problem, but it's definitely a dilemma. I understand if you don't make it through the long mess below (and don't want to repsond) but if you do then I'm extremely grateful because I'm totally confused and need some guidance.

I had a little financial windfall recently and, as anyone with the misfortune of reading my previous posts knows, am looking to upgrade my amplification section. I was running Parasound Halo gear with my Sony SCD-1, Music Hall MMF-7 and Totem Forests (more details on system page) and the sound was decent, but the Halos were definitely the weak link. I listen to everything, but a good amount of jazz, folk, indie-rock, and guitar-based music (flamenco, blue-grass, et al).

I have been looking at integrated amps (I have about 6-8,000 to burn) because size is somewhat of a consideration (small NY apt.). Having spent a good deal of time researching different units, it appears that the Plinius 9200, Accustic Arts Power 1, BAT VK-300xSE, JRDG Concerto, and Sim i-7 are the final contendors. Of all these, however, only the Plinius, BAT, and JRDG have (optional) phono cards. I've heard good things about the Plinius phono stage, mediocre things about the BAT, and NOTHING about the JRDG (still no responses to my post, but it's a new product), however, the Plinius isn't my top choice anyway. I like the BAT, but hate the looks (yes, I'm a small child and looks are pretty important to me..ooh..ahh..look at the blue lights).

If I go with an integrated then it looks like I'll end up getting an outboard phono stage, which means I'll be making a seperate post for phono stage recommendations (unless you want to give me some here..hint hint), but I realize that another solution may be to go with seperates if I can find a preamp that has a very good phono stage and isn't so costly it means eating into the budget for my power amp.

What I was wondering is if any of you knowledgeable folks could recommend me a good pre-amp w/phono and a power amp that together wouldn't be over about 7,000 (since an outboard phono and integrated would cost me about this much give or take).

Also, I'm curious to hear people's opinions about the two differing setups, as I've read a lot of posts about types of integrateds, but not that many about integrateds vs. seperates. Okay, I know the benefits of not having to purchase another IC/PC, but in regards to my dilemma, would I be sacrificing overall sound (since I listen to digital as well) in getting an integrated (either with an outboard Phono or a card) vs. getting seperates? This is going to sound crazy, and I know I'm going to get sh*t for it, but it's a little intimidating knowing I've got around $8,000 to blow considering how many different setups and brands I can audition in NYC.

Help me focus! Gimme some eRitlin.

Thanks a million!

What kind of cartridge would you be using? MM, hi output MC or low output MC?
I have not heard the VAC Avatar Super yet, but have had it recommened as a great match with VSA-4JRs. I have seen excellent feedback as far as both sound and build quality. I believe it has MM phono standard with an option for a MC. I think it looks great, nice finish with gold plated knobs and the nice bias adjustment meter. See if you can demo one of these. Good luck and have fun in your search.
Please Please take your time and don't just leap into something that you might regret later. There are so many amps I'm sure there are 1,000 opinions here. For a NYC apt. I would consider a passive pre and separate really high quality phono section. Also Klyne I think has a really good on board phono. I happen to like my Eagle 4 amp, but apparently not popular pick here on the 'gon.
Just because the unit is "only" three grand don't snub Blue Circle's NSCS integrated unit.
A Blue Circle authorized dealer in the NYC area would be Sonic Spirits (Phil).
And yes this is a biased recommendation. I own one.