amp/preamp combo for sonus faber cremona auditors

I have just purchased sonus faber cremona auditors and an ayre cx7 cdp, and am interested in opinions on what amp/preamp combination others would recommend. My listening room is 20x20 and my musical tastes run jazz and rock. I have been a solid state guy but am open to tubes as well. My price range would be in the $4000 range and I have no issue buying in the used marketplace. I appreciate your thoughts.
Check out Sim Audio or Linar Audio on the used market. Both would sound great with the Sonus, the Linar Audio maybe abit more tube like in sound. Good luck.
amazing. i also run auditors with a cx7 source. i listened to a couple amplifiers, and actually decided on the Sonus Faber Musica integrated amplifier. Very musical, high quality wattage (50wpc), and $3500 new. Plus it is a beautiful piece. I am very happy.
excellent choices! i've heard the auditors with mcintosh mc2102 and they sounded superb. i would try the mc275 as well.