Bryston Power Amp users - what power cord?

What power cord do you use for your Bryston amp?

Also, do you use any surge protector or power conditioner?
With the Brystons, don’t waste your money with power cords. A Signal Cable Magic Power or a JP Cables “zero gauge” will do just fine if, for aesthetic reasons, the stock cord gets on your nerves. The JP (maybe) sounded a little fuller? Or was I just impressed by something that looks like a Boa sticking out of my wall? Who knows, beyond a certain point, it’s merely hysteria. I tried a few other cords with the Brystons and they always sounded the same. I owned both the 7 BST and 7 BSST. Same conclusion for Pass X-600s. I have dedicated outlets and use no power conditioning for the amps.

The aftermarket power cords were the most telling on the transport, DAC and phono preamp on my system. However, megabuck-priced ones were not part of my auditions. (I have fallen off the expensive PC bandwagon so please take that into consideration.) The Brystons are superb amps, I hope you enjoy them.

Best regards,
Was using a Transparent PC with my 14BST.Definite improvement over the manufacturers standard chord. If Bryston doesn't recommend after market pcs then why did it send its review sample(14BSST)to one of the audio mags(AIG ?)with a Sunfire chord? Check the reviews of the 14BSST on the Bryston site and figure it out.
PS Have dumped my Bryston for a pair of tube monoblocs
Actually, I recall reading about Bryston not recommending using powerconditioners on manual, but not about using after market PC. I need to look up the manual and website.
Try Pro AC II from Harmonic Tech and see for yourself what was missing from 4B SST.

I currently own the Bryston 7BSST Mono's. I was using the stock cords and driving B&W 801 Nautilus speakers. The bass sound was good but left me desiring a bit more. Please note I am not a bass fanatic just one who desires a balanced sound. My pre is the CAT Ultimate MkII. The CAT uses a Virtual Dynamics power cord. I was able to get a deal on Audiogon for two V.D. Nite power cords and I must say after the A/B comparison with the stock cords that the bass was definitely fuller and deeper. Mids and upper range also benefited. There are different opinions as to the validity of purchasing hi end cords, but I can say that with the deal I received from the Gon the benefit was well worth the investment.