Should Rotel be ok to drive Totem Forrest?

Does anyone use Rotel to drive Totem forrest? I would like to hear what you think about it?

Hello again. Plinius and Musical Fidelity do make good pre-amps but with Totems I think the Plinius would win. Even though you are not into tubes, you will have a ton of Audiogoners backing me up when I say that in the world of pre-amps, tubes completely dominate. Amps are a different story and are speaker dependant.

Other pre-amps I forgot was Audible Alusions and David Berning. (both tubes.) Klyne made a good solid state.

Stay away from Krell, Levinson, Boulder, and Bryston. Very over rated and a bad match with Totem.

Good Luck and audition before buying.
George3, I have Rotel amp RB-1080 with 200 wpc and rotel pre-amp RC-1070. Even though, they sounds good to me, but i think rotel pre-amp is weakest link and i want to get the most out of Totem Forrest. So i'm thinking of upgrading either pre-amp only or integrated amp. My room is smaller , about 12x14.

Duane, I have no experience with tube. Do i have to tune in the tube (I heard someone said so) or replace the tube once in a while? How long does a tube normally last?

what do you think of Plinius 9200 and 8200 MkII? Is 9220 superior over 8200 MKII? Honestly, i heard 9200 , but not 8200 and 9200 is way over my budget even used one. Also, i am looking at Musical Fidelity integrated amp A5.

thanks again for your time giving me suggestions.

I would have to disagree with you on the Bryston being a bad matchup with totem. I have heard the B-60 SST on a pair of Arro's and hopefully will be aquiring a B-60 for my Arro's soon. The B-60 is very musical while not being colored. However what i like most is its top sounds silky smooth and really brings forth the Arro's strongpoints. Furthermore the bass is great. Grain free sound with a solid warranty to back it up. The Class A headphone amp, great pre-amp section, and small size is just a bonus.
Hello again,

The 8200 is awesome and is better than any separates I have heard in the same price range when you compare new retail to new retail.

As for tubes, pre-amps are easier because you don't have to bias them and they usually last at least 3 years and some last 5 or more years. Tubes for a pre-amp are easy to change and don't cost much. ($20 to 60 each) most pre-amps have between 4 tubes and 8 and most often only 2 to 4 of the tubes are more expensive.
Update: I purchased Plinius 9200. I'm happy with the Plinius sound. I now quest for cdp. The followings are on my list:

Ayre CX-7e
Musical Fidelity A5
Arcam FMJ 36 or Diva 192
Cary 306/200

Would you please comment on these cdps?