Should Rotel be ok to drive Totem Forrest?

Does anyone use Rotel to drive Totem forrest? I would like to hear what you think about it?

Update: I purchased Plinius 9200. I'm happy with the Plinius sound. I now quest for cdp. The followings are on my list:

Ayre CX-7e
Musical Fidelity A5
Arcam FMJ 36 or Diva 192
Cary 306/200

Would you please comment on these cdps?
I had the 1070 and 1080 - and clearly the 1070 was the weak link. I moved up to the 1090 only 30 days after getting the 1070 pre. and the 1090 made a huge improvement.

The 1080 amp is powerful and a great value, but the preamps that Rotel offers leave something to be desired. The 1090, sounds pretty good but for $1,200 - I think you can do better.
Hvu – Congrat's on the 9200. It's a great amp. If you have the ability to run it on 220V do so and be amazed. I have the 9100 and currently use it with the Model 1’s. I tried and/or auditioned several different cdp’s and found that something with tubes really seemed to work the best with the Plinius/Totem combo. They really make the Plinius purr. I auditioned the A5, Arcam, and Ayre and choose the Audio Aero Prima. Just a wonderful match up IMO.
I think i will audition ayre cx-7e as Totem recommends it. Or arcam fmj 33.
By the way, what do you mean that i should try with 220v?
thanks again
When I say run it on 220v I mean to convert the unit from its factory 110 volt setting to 220 volts, unless you’re in Europe or Asia and then it’s already set that way. Plinius gear is designed to run on 220v and sounds much better when it does. It really opens up the unit and give it better bass attack, more extended highs, and better decay. It’s a very simple 5 minute process, which just involves switching 2 wires under the hood (no soldering involved). There is a schematic inside the unit to show you how to do it, or I’m sure that your dealer would probably do it for free. You of course would need a 220v circuit to plug into and a power cord with a 220v plug. Well worth the effort though. My 9100 on 220v sounds almost like the 9200 on 110v. I’m told, although I’ve never AB’s them, that the 9200 on 220v sounds as good as the 102.