Lamm ML1.1 & ML 2.1


I've the opportunity to heard 2 times the ML2.1 - 18 watts class A - first time on JM Lab Grande Utopia BE and the other one, on Kharma CRM 3.2

I love the sound of the ML2.1 : so natural, so human...

But I don't know the lower priced ML1.1 - the 90 watts -I'm living in France and it's not well distributed.

What differs between both in terms of sound ?

Do you know other amp with this kind of natural sound - at same price or lower !!!!


"it's time you figured out that YOU NEED WATTAGE!!!

I would respectfully disagree.

I run the ML 2.1 with my Wilson X-2's (15 inch woofers) and I can play them at ear bleeding levels with no distortion. The fact that they are but 18wpc is very misleading
I run the ML 2.1 with my Wilson X-2's (15 inch woofers) and I can play them at ear bleeding levels with no distortion.
In a 700 sq. ft. room? Playing rock 'n roll at 110dB? Steve needs wattage.
Evita, I agree I need wattage, sometimes, therfore I will stay with the Lamm's for I hear magic happening, when I need to rock out, I will have the next best thing I can find, and, 120 watts is just not enough, for my present speakers. I will know more after I set up m,y custom horns, which will be about 103/104db. Thanks for the feedback, these are truely MUSICAL, and accurate amps.

These are just amazing amps, the more I listen, the better I hear the music. I have the best soundstage I have heard in my system, layering, depth, width, natural voices, and instraments is holographic, and just plain mind boggling for me.