Moscode 401HR's Sonic Character

I am curious about this hybrid amp. I very briefly saw it at the HE show in NYC, last year. I just read the (overall favorable) review that was just released in TAS.

I am looking to hear from those who own this amp, or have taken advantage of Moscode's generous in-home audition.

How would you describe this amp's sound?
Does it sound like a tube amp?
Does it sound like a solid state amp?
Does it sound like the best of both worlds...warm "tube" richness, with solid state authority & slam?

Any insight would be appreciated.

Thanks. Ditto on the $teropile, although the list does have its uses.

Yes, no SS-anything is an SE. I'm just asking about the overall musicality; as in, how involving. Dynamic contrasts are great, etc. but what about liquidity? Or, dimensionality? Not just how far back it goes, but how it goes; as in, the space between the players. Is it a void, or is there compression of air on the dynamics? Stuff like that.

Mostly, did you stay up late and forget what time it was? Do you get pulled in?

Thanks again.
Asa, with all respect, because everyone has a different definition of the qualities you mention, your questions can only be answered by listening to the amps under consideration.
Tvad, point taken...although I don't think "quality" is that relativistic, it only appears as such if you've never seen "it." (BTW, I think you have...) Is it hard to describe? Sure, for everyone; that is the limitaion of language. But, less so for those that have gone looking for it. If it was ineffable per se, then you and I would have stood mute, and if I'm not mistaken, we haven't...

Yes, I will listen to see for myself, but with no dealers - 30 day deal back, or not - it makes sense to ask, doesn't it?

If I hear passion in the responses and a mention of liquidity or harmonic complexity, as opposed to objective-focused language, doesn't that tell me something?

Actually, when I saw you response, tvad, I was hoping to hear what you thought, because of what you said of the NOS input rolling. I was hoping to hear if there was any "passion."
Asa, I will not fall into the trap of trying to describe in a discussion forum what entails passion in me when it comes to audio. We of Anglo/Saxon and Scottish ancestry display little passion for anything. A little smile...a toe tapping...this is a standing ovation from my people. :)

As I have mentioned elsewhere, six people I know have auditioned the Moscode 401HR in their homes and all have purchased the amplifier. I prefer to let these numbers speak for themselves.
The speaker/amp interface I find critical. It's really best to audition an amp in your own system. It appears there's not alot of used ones so you are stuck with a new one.

If you like the idea of a hybrid amp you may want to try one of the AVA Fetvalve amps. I use one and love it. It's got a cleanliness I've not heard before. The sonic signature is very similar to a Blue Circle BC 24 hybrid I had but costs less and has alot more power. It's not as nicely finished and doesn't use the same caps but the sound is truly excellent especially for 2,200.

Best of luck on your search. In my system a hybrid to run the planar/ribbon section of my speakers is the perfect choice imo. You'll have to find out for yourself about the Moscode. There's people who's opinion I respect over at audiocircle who love this amp. On their word alone I'd try it.