Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Please let me know how you like the pinched waists in the preamp. It's the only tube I don't have access to, but then, I could live happily ever after with these Siemens CCa. By the way, I have tried both a Transparent and Premium power cord on my preamp. For the money, they are very good, but in all honesty, there are much better cords, however, for a price. I don't mean to down-play any of Joseph's products because his preamp is the best I've had in my system and his other mods and upgrades are fantastic. His modded version of my Citation 18 tuner is an amazing achievement. This is currently my favorite source of listening in the evenings while I browse these forum threads. Mr. Chow is a genius when it comes to lowering noise level in audio components. I previously had an Electraglide Epiphany X which I thought was just a perfect match for my TP 2.0n; until recently, I came across a new copper/silver blended foil/ribbon power cord that is unbelievable. My TP 2.0n has never sounded better. I can't even imagine it sounding any better. In fact, I'll go so far as to say, I'm done for a long while in my preamp searches. My 5ft. Epiphany X will be up for sale soon. Any fellow TP 2.0 owners want a brother-in-law deal?
Btsrg,Musical Essence power cord is one you may want to consider.Contact Don at And to echo my fellow AH ers, welcome to the club.
I owned a VTL 5.5 which I compared to the Audio Horizons TP 2.0nB. The VTL came in a distant second place in that contest. The Audio Horizons preamp excelled in soundstage, dynamics, resolution, ... . As someone inclined toward VTL products (through two preamp models, two power amp models), I was surprised at how much better the AH preamp performed.
i received my 2.1 yesterday and a fine looker it is, silver and wood. my audition 2.1 came with rpnb and siemens tubes. joseph also sent a transparency power cord, and ic. the remote must have upgrades in the future as a phase button along with input selection is on my remote. the phase option with be a fine addition.
i am using my wire for now, but plan on trying the supplied wire from cp.
i am letting the unit play all day for break in and will give it a good listening to in a few days.
i take it that cca tubes will bring better sound for 2.1 from reading all of the posts on this thread.
The tubes are a matter of personal taste in what sounds best in your system. I personally prefer the accuracy, neutrality and great upper extension of the Siemens CCa in my system, but you might prefer another brand for its personality in your system. It's a good idea to let the preamp burn-in for a few days before you seriously evaluate it in your system. Also, if you are introducing a new power cord, allow at least 150 hours for it to break in as well. I look forward to hearing your listening impressions.