Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
I swapped out the IEC in my 2.1 rnb today and must say that its another step up for better sound and i can see why Joseph chose to use the Furutech gold plated IEC. One thing i did not figure on was the difference in size between the original and the Furutech FI 09. I was using my old file for about an hour and a half to make the hole bigger to fit. Its worth the effort for better sound.

Between the Hifi tuning fuses and the IEC i think the fuses bring more to the table for better sound. I did not get a lot of listening time in yet so i may be jumping the gun. All in all these two items are highly recommended for users of this fine preamp.
I just installed the Hifi-tuning fuse on the power supply board. Already I hear I nice improvement with cleaner delineation of notes. Music just sounds more natural. Excellent for just a $40.00 investment. By the way, I noticed that Victor is selling a like-new 2.2 preamp for someone who lost their job. It is at a bargain price for someone who wants to save almost 50% off retail.
Is the 845 amp a stereo or monoblock configuration? SET, Parallel SET, Push Pull?
The site is still operating, but no mention yet of the new amp lines.