Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.

I am having problems with the left channel popping and increased hiss on that side. I think there is a problem with this preamp. I reversed the tubes to see if it was them, and the problem stayed on the left, so I suspect there is a problem in the preamp somewhere...

This explains the higher hiss than I was expecting I think. It's really unfortunate because it sounds great when it's working fine, but I think this one has problems somewhere...

I'll talk to the seller and see what my options are.

If you want to keep, and seller is not cooperating, send it back to Joseph Chow who designed it at AH and he will make it right.
This thread suddenly went dead for over a year now. I'm curious what everyone is doing now. I had a lower abdomen hernia surgery in Nov. 2010 and went into a slight depression and lost interest in my music system. I shut the system down for over two years but recently got back my interest and am enjoying the music once again. Anyone upgrade to the new 2.3 version/s? I'm still enjoying my original 2.0. I have come back to using the original Hovlands in the ouputs, mainly due to a tweeter cap change in my speakers that greatly changed the overall sound for the better. I hope everyone is doing well.
Sherod, try those JB JFX caps in your pre and you will smile. Glad you are doing better.