What pre to use with Vons and Bryston 2B-SST?

I own a pair of Von Schweikert VR2's with a Bryston 2B-sst driving them. I am auditioning a PS Audio PCA-2 for the preamp and am happy with what im hearing but would like a little "warmer" sound. I dont want to spend more than $2000 on the pre new or used. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
Jlind, I understand completely and I would be willing to bet that you will no doubt find something that works just right for you. IMO, you have an excellent plan and are implementing it perfectly.

I used to have a 325is, a '93, had it for 10 years, I sold it a few years back. I loved that car. Great brakes, tracked on rails, great balance, huge fun drive!
I really enjoy my e30. She needs some TLC but still puts a smile on my face in the twisties. Did you go with a newer bimmer? im postive i will find "my" sound, im enjoying the hunt so i really have no complaints. justin
I would love too, but family duties usurp that desire. Being addcited to audio doesnt help either!